Tracking Number: 4209566092748927005645000005908099
Destination Country: US
Date Country Zip Message
11/20/2023 5:21:00 PM US Delivered: left at front door/porch
11/19/2023 9:55:03 PM US Shipment Shipped
11/18/2023 1:41:14 PM US On its way
11/17/2023 8:58:26 PM US Shipment Shipped
11/17/2023 12:34:10 PM US Initial Package Scan
11/16/2023 1:47:00 PM US Delivered to last mile carrier
11/16/2023 11:25:00 AM Arrived to the country of destination
11/10/2023 10:18:00 AM Order is checked-in at the warehouse
11/8/2023 12:38:49 AM JP 541-0048 Order is created, JL is waiting for check-in at the warehouse